(289)-639-9240 - business@razken.ca - HAMILTON PICK UP AVAILABLE - FREE SHIPPING CA$150+ (CA & US)


How long does delivery take?

Within Canada shipments usually takes 2-4 days. Due to high demand of some of our most popular products, or if you live in a remote area, please allow 3-6 days for delivery.

International shipments usually take 1-2 weeks. Due to high demand of some of our most popular products, or if you live in a remote area, please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.

If your order hasn’t arrived within the estimated delivery times, please contact our support team.

Can I ask for refund, if I didn't accept receiving the shipment?

Our store is not responsible, if the shipment was not accepted by the customer during the delivery. We don't request the courier of the shipment to return it back to us, and NO CANCELLATION or REFUND will be occurred.

Can I ask for refund, if the shipment was lost, but tracking shows it was delivered?

Please keep tracking of your delivery, so you know when its being delivered. Package Theft is not covered with shipping insurance and we will not replace at our expense.

Once your order leaves our hands it is out of our control. If you have not received a package despite tracking shows that it was delivered, then it is the buyers responsibility to look around, to check with neighbours, contact local police department, and then finally file a police report.

Mail carriers such as USPS, have GPS co-ordinates that can confirm where exactly the package was delivered. If GPS coordinates indicate the package was delivered to the correct address, then it's up to the buyer to file a mail theft report.

What if my order is not delivered on time?

Items not delivered on time are not our responsibility. Under no circumstances we will refund an order, if it didn't come in time for an event. We absolutely do not offer a refund for orders not delivered on time which is out of our control.

Please note that It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure delivery on time with a tracking feature, and the buyer can upgrade the shipping to either tracked, or Express delivery option which is available while checking out.

What if the customer didn't approve the design we sent for approval?

We allow 1 business day for design approval period starting by the time of sending the design. The customer is requested to reply to our request within that period. We are not responsible, if the customer doesn't response to our request by the end of that period, we will make the product as per the design we sent.

If there is a mistake made on our side we will correct it free of charge. Please confirm the design within 1 business day from the day you receive the draft. If we don't hear back in that time we will begin the printing process with the last draft sent to you.

What if the customer approved a mock-up then claimed that the product purchased was different than what he/she approved?

Under no circumstances we will refund/replace a product that its' mock-up was approved by the customer. We absolutely do not offer a replacement/refund for orders that were made based on approved mock-ups.

Do you refund for items that were shipped via a Non-Tracking shipments and got lost?

It’s customer’s choice to ship the order as a tracked or non-tracked service, and customer could upgrade the shipping method to a trackable one.
Since we can’t track the shipment, we can’t refund for orders that was lost, or exceeded the estimated delivery time.
Therefore, we are not liable for lost of the orders that were shipped as non-tracked.

Masks and neck gaiters sales are final

Before placing the order, and to be sure that our product fits you well, please compare the dimensions of the product with any similar product in hand that fits you well.


We don't accept returns, exchanges or cancellations

But please contact us, if you have any problems with your order.

What if the customer insisted on order cancelation?

We don't accept order cancelation; however:
1- If the customer insisted on order cancelation before sending the mock-up for approval, there would be 20% deduction of the total orders cost. This is due to the paid administration fees, advertisement fees, re-stocking fees at our end.
2- If the customer insisted on order cancelation after sending the mock-up for approval, there would be 50% deduction of the total orders cost.
3- If the customer insisted on order cancelation after generating the shipping label, there would be 100% deduction of the total orders cost.

How do I request for a new replacement?

For broken items during shipping, we can only handle claims if you contact us within 7 days of receiving your order. Claims made after 7 days of receiving the products will be refused. We will take responsibility for any damage that occurred during the production process and delivery.
We replace only once, and at our shipping cost.

Our warranty period is 6 months of placing the order. If the product is defective within that period, feel free to let's know.
We replace only once, and at customer's shipping cost.

Caution: This warranty only covers manufacturing defects and does not cover:
- Damage caused by accident
- Improper care
- Normal wear and tear
- Break down of colors and materials due to sun exposure
- Aftermarket modification

For more of our shop's policy, please visit:

Shipping policy – RazKen Gifts Shop

Refund policy – RazKen Gifts Shop